Detalles, Ficción y sci-fi secrets

An interstellar teleportation device, found in Egypt, leads to a planet with humans resembling ancient Egyptians who worship the god Ra.

A veteran assigned to extract Earth's remaining resources begins to question what he knows about his mission and himself.

The Empire Strikes Back takes the "escape your hometown" joyride aspects of its groundbreaking predecessor and adds an adult sensibility and thematic through-line that brings a Efectivo depth to George Lucas' galaxy far, far away.

An alien with the ability to take the form of any life that it absorbs infiltrates an Antarctic research almohadilla, and soon the 12-man team that works there is up to their eyeballs in slaughter, suspicion and paranoia.

Set far into the future, the world of Warframe is full of greed and corruption, Figura well Campeón the occasional horror of genetic manipulation gone wrong. Get swept up into the lore-heavy world of Warframe and become well, a space ninja.

The direction you choose to go with the story is entirely up to you. Assemble a crew of the finest fighters in the galaxy to help you save all of mankind, or die trying. Your crew matters!

Following clues to the origin of mankind, a team finds a structure on a distant moon, but they soon realize they are not alone.

Finding Nemo's Andrew Stanton went from deep sea to deep space for this delightfully warped trek, seen through the eyes of a trash-bot tasked with cleaning up a centuries-later Earth smothered in garbage.

With the land overrun with violent machinery and outcast from her tribe, Aloy’s journey puts her to the test, urging her onwards to uncover the truth about her beginnings and the reality of her ultimate destiny.

Spielberg's first alien-centric blockbuster forever set the tone for the director's unique brand of Hollywood filmmaking -- that of grounding the extraordinary within the perspective of a working-class family with "Vivo" interactions and problems.

A molecular biologist and his laboratory partner uncover evidence that may fundamentally change society Triunfador we know it.

Any number of moviegoers and comic fans alike will agree that Halle Berry's ability to crack that whip places her in the number...

In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire's ultimate weapon of destruction.

In the distant future, a space traveler from Earth breaks a special law and interferes with the history of another, Medieval-like planet.

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